This is a list of Hotkeys, or commands that will cause actions in Bend-Tech by keying in letters on your keyboard.
- Clicking CTRL + O will open the Options menu.
- Clicking CTRL + S will open the window where you can save your current project.
- Clicking CTRL + C will copy a part, feature or entity to your clipboard. (Availability for this function is limited)
- In all other cases when CTRL + C cannot be used, it will serve as the Close function.
- Clicking CTRL + V will paste a part, feature or entity to your design. (Availability for this function is limited)
- Clicking CTRL + Z will undo your last action. (This function is limited to 10 moves by default)
- Clicking CTRL + Y will redo your last undo action. (This function is limited to 10 moves by default)
- Clicking the Left and Right Arrows will navigate tabs when a tab is selected.
Apply Pickpoints
- Clicking the Left Mouse Button while holding the SHIFT' key will place and apply a Pickpoint in the Assembly interface.