PickPoints - Arc

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Revision as of 14:54, 9 June 2014 by Fabcam1 (talk | contribs)
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This thread covers creating a PickPoint on an arc.

Please Note: The tangent ends and the center of the arc automatically have part PickPoints (cyan in color)

Step 1) Select the "PickPoint" tab and the "Plane/Arc" tab.

Step 2) Select the "Select Arc" command button.

Step 3) Select the "PickPoint" which represents the bend to place the new PickPoint.

Step 4) Enter in the "Sweep Angle" or number of degrees down the arc from the 1st tangent side of the arc.

Step 5) Select the "Apply" command button.


Note: The numbers of degrees for the entire arc is displayed above the "Sweep Angle". 0 (zero) degrees is on the arc end which is the start end. The start end was determined by the direction of the part creation.