Dragon Nesting Tutorial

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Dragon Nesting Tutorial
Drag Nesting1.png

Things To Know

  • This tutorial will step you through the process of creating a nesting project in Bend-Tech Dragon and show you how simple it is to send your project to your Dragon machine. As you walk through this tutorial, procedures are designed based on your knowledge of earlier procedures. Because of this, it is very important that you carefully step through this guide, understanding everything along the way.

If you have not completed the Dragon Straight Part Tutorial and Dragon Custom Design Tutorial, please do so before continuing any further.


1. Start by opening the Bend-Tech Dragon software and opening the file saved from the Dragon Custom Design Tutorial labeled Dragon Test2. Do this by selecting File - Open - Dragon Design from the top left of the window, selecting the file, then clicking the Open button.

Open File Drag2.pngDragon Open As2.png
