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Bend-Tech 7x Wiki :: Main Menu Bar :: View

View menu.png

In the View menu, the toolbar, status bar, Plate design features can be hidden/shown and the Plate design mode can be adjusted.

Toolbar/Status Bar

Click on the 'Toolbar' option to either hide or show the toolbar. While a check is displayed next to Toolbar, the icon toolbar at the top of the page will be shown.


Click on the 'Status Bar' option to either hide or show the status bar. While a check is display next to Status Bar, the status bar (XYZ coordinates, date, time, and website link) in the bottom right corner will be displayed.

Status bar.png


While working in a Plate design window, the option to show or hide certain features in the design window is available. To hide or show a specific feature, place the cursor over 'Features' and click on an option in the menu to either hide or show it. When a checkmark is displayed next to a feature's name, it will be displayed.

View features.png


While working in a Plate design window, different modes that effect the display of the part are available. All modes except 'Design' will only work if the part has been successfully defined. See Definition (Part) for information on how to define a part.

View mode.png

  • Design: While 'Design' is selected, the original features used to create the plate will be shown.

Mode design.png

  • Defined: While 'Defined' is selected, a 2D defined outline of the part's defined features will be displayed.

Mode defined.png

  • 3D Wireframe: While '3D Wireframe' is selected, a 3D wireframe version of the part will be displayed.

Mode wire.png

  • 3D Shaded: While '3D Shaded' is selected, a solid shaded version of the part will be displayed.

Mode shade.png

  • Flat Layout: While 'Flat Layout' is selected, a flat 2D outline of the part will be displayed.

Mode flat.png

Task Menu

Select the Task Menu option to access the task menu. This menu is used to start new parts, assemblies, plates, import files, view the various data libraries, open files, and open the settings menu. Resources such as manuals, tutorials, and online wiki help can be accessed here as well.

Task menu.png